Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Trajectories of Literacy and CHAT

Trajectories of Literacy

When given an assignment for my class I just kinda sat and thought for awhile.  As I thought about some ideas I had seen on the TV that morning that snow ski resorts were hurting for business.  I knew it had to relate to ISU students and faculty but I was not real sure how to relate that.  It really has not moved to far I have it saved on my computer and I will be turning in a printed copy Friday.

All of my articles are news articles off of the Internet.  I did talk to 3 different people on some topics I wrote about in my paper.

People that have read my paper so far are my classmates and my roommate has read over it.

I am not really sure who will read it in the future.  More than likely no one will read it after this class it will just be saved as another document on my computer or flash drive.

I save everything I do to my computer.  If I happen to work on the paper somewhere else without my computer I will also save it on flash drive.

I anyone was to ever write a story on something like this some of the information could be used from the information I received and wrote about.  Papers, Internet Articles would be the main texts used.


Production:  I used many different tools while creating this article.  I used my computer and the school computer, and I used the Internet.  Another important thing I did was reading over the articles and getting the most important information out of them to write into my paper.

Representation:  I took time to find articles and good information to include into my paper.  I also talked to 3 different people and I included into my paper on some of the topics that I included into my paper.  When starting this paper I knew it had to include ISU students and faculty so I did my best to include a few facts and also include information about what my interviewees had to say.

Distribution:  The text really will not go out into the large world but it will definitely be seen by my teacher and so far a few of my classmates have seen and read over my article.  There will be a printed copy given to my teacher, but I don't really think it will venture out into the world very far.

Reception:  This text really will not be taken up by anyone in particular, but my teacher will get to see it and read over it and give me her thoughts on what she thinks of it. 

Activity:  I used the internet to research articles.  I read different articles and created a final paper.

Ecology:  roommate was asleep and it was dark in the room other than the light from my computer. 

Socialization:  Throughout this project I have interacted with students and faculty at ISU.  I know how the teacher interacts with the class now and what she expects from us.

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