Thursday, February 16, 2012

Final Learning Blog

Final Learning Blog

As I begin to write the final learning blog it just lets me reflect on the things I have completed in the first unit.  I feel as I have come very far in this unit from Day 1.  Day 1 I was not really sure what topic I really wanted to talk about.  During class when you gave us time to look for a topic, it seemed as nothing really came to mind that really interested me.  As I was listening to someone talking about snow I decide this would be the perfect topic for me to write about.  So once I decide this topic, there was still one more problem, I just was not sure how this would relate to ISU students.  So after thinking and thinking I had come up with a few ideas to include in the context of my paper.  This is when I began to really start to get the hang of things and start to pull together.  I feel as though I have come very far since the beginning of this class.

            As this semester progresses I feel like I learn something new almost every day that I attend class.  The biggest thing I have learned so far is how to make and set up a blog.  I am not the most technological person around so I did not know much about making a blog.  While being in class and as the teacher having us take notes on the computer and then post them on our blogs was very helpful.  Just from posting things during class or assignments that are due and even logging in to my blog every day has helped me learn about the blog tremendously.  I also learned that maybe I do enjoy group work.  Each time we have done revising my group members have been very helpful.

            I would say my biggest take-away from this class has been the article “Grassroots Writing Journal.”  After reading the article it really made me stop and think the way that I revised people’s papers throughout high school.  After thinking about the article it really affected the way I revise papers now.  I never have been great at revising papers so I would always say, “that looks great” or something to that extent.  After reading that it let me realize it does not help me or the person I am revising the paper for to say something like that.  That article will stick with me forever and I will always remember to be as helpful as I can be while revising a paper.

            It seems no matter what class, but the question that always sticks in my head “Did I do this right?”  A few other questions I still ask after everything is turned in are: “Was my paper long enough” and “Was my rubric set up the right way?”  Those really are the only things that I still question, but I have confidence that everything was done right and I know I did the best I could.

            Throughout this unit one of the better things I think I did while writing the paper was contacting people and getting them interviewed.  Having interviewed three people it makes me think that I have gone above and beyond in that area of the project.  I feel like I did everything to the best of my abilities though.  I feel good about what I have done, and I have worked hard to accomplish this unit.  I have completed everything that is due, and always turn it in on time.  I don’t really like to say I have done something well, because what I think is well and what someone else things could be two different things.  So everything that I have turned in so far I have done the best I can to complete it.

            At this point of the unit I don’t really have anything else to say.  I would like to say I really enjoy getting to work on our projects in class.  I think you have done a wonderful job on planning everything and you haven’t really overloaded us with lots and lots of homework.  You seem to have assignments due throughout the unit so at the end we just have to make a few revisions and put everything together.   I feel like this unit has made me a better writer and editor.

1 comment:

  1. I like your thoughts in this blog. I agree that I think you have come far in this class so far--and I think a lot of that is because I continually see you work hard here. Putting time in can only yield good results! Your pape was the correct length--it seems fitting compared to the articles you chose to analyze.
