Thursday, February 23, 2012

Evaluating the Standard Questions

1.  The way a normal human being has a daily conversation or writes a paper.

2.  This is prob the way it was originally spoken and no one has ever changed the way people speak or write.

3.  Speaking with others from the same country or same language would be about the only non formal english should be used.

4.  When writing a paper there are many different ways someone could be a good writer.  A good writer is my perspective keeps there material to a certain topic and gets the points across they want to talk about.

5.  Cant spell words, paper does not make sense, and dont have complete sentences.

6.  Many people say words in a different tone and in they say the say word a different way.

7.  Working on the structure of paragraphs

8.  I feel like standard English is correct english.  Standard English is the way that the average human speaks and I feel like if everyone talks this way then this is how english should be considered.

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