Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Half Way Learning Blog 2

Half Way Learning Blog 2

            Here we are already into Unit two, it seems as though this class is flying by.  We just read another article from the “Grassroots Writing Journal” talking about grammatical snobbery.  In this article it talked about the proper use of grammar and how different types of words can mean pretty close to the same thing along with the way that it fits into the context or genre.  Friday we got into our groups for the project and talked about some topic ideas for this project.  We each came back on Monday and had an idea for a topic which we finally decided on and were ready to begin.  We began answering the research proposal questions which we completed, and then moved on to complete the juxtaposition.  While answering the research proposal questions as a group it seemed to me that we answered them as thoroughly as we could.  Now that we have moved into the second unit and have been paired up into groups, we are all starting to get to know each other better and it makes the projects simpler I believe.  Also, as a class each person answered some questions on “Standard English.”  I felt like a majority of the class all came up with the same answers to each question for the most part.  With this in mind and only being in this Unit for a little over a week I have already learned a fair amount, and I am very excited to begin our research.

            After only being on this Unit for a little over a week, I have already learned three different vocab words.  Up until today, Wednesday, I had no idea was a juxtaposition was.  After finishing the research questions today we all asked each other “what is a juxtaposition?” the reply from everyone was I don’t know.  So we decided it would be a good idea to ask since it is due the next class.  After asking, all three of us decided it was just a fancy word for an example of our notecard.  During our discussion of “Standard English” there were two words that came up that I was unsure of what they meant:  Code Switching and Code Meshing.  Code switching is utilizing two different languages while speaking, “switching” back in forth between the two languages.  Code meshing is the other which means utilizing two distinct English dialects within written genre.  These are just a few things I have learned within the first week of this Unit.

            At this point I do not have any questions about the project, but if I do I will not hesitate to ask.  Like I said in the last blog, I normally just wait until the end of class to ask if necessary.

            The first day I was very confused thinking everything for the Unit was due on Friday.  As it seemed a few others thought the same thing and began to ask.  You quickly answered saying No No only the rough draft.  At this point the whole class was at a sign of relief.  As Unit two progresses at this point you have explained everything very clear, and everything seems to be understood.

            I feel like I am communicating with my group members very well.  When picking out the topic it was very simple, because we all liked the same idea which made everything very easy and simple.  While doing the research questions we each came up with different ideas and were able to talk over each of them and agree on the best ones.  Getting along with group members makes everything much more fun and enjoyable to do.

            Group projects never seemed to go very well for me throughout High School, but the entire college group projects have went very well.  I have enjoyed working with all of my group members throughout the semester.  Dealing with great groups it has definitely changed my opinion to the good on group projects.

1 comment:

  1. Group projects are definitely something that can be pretty tedious, of this I am aware. However, working with others is a part of life, so it always helps to better at it. You give a pretty good overview of your learning (and I'm glad you know now that "juxtaposition" is really just a fancy/smart-sounding word for the meshing of two different written genres). I am curious about a few things as you go a bit more indepth for the next blog: How have you felt about creating this research in more detail? You probably haven't before, so how did you go about creating a research proposal and learning about this genre probably new to you?
