Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Half Way Learning Blog Revised

Half Way Learning Blog

At this point we are already three weeks into the second semester and it seems like it is flying by.  As a class we have gotten into the first unit, we have made our own blogs for the class, and we have done a few group activities.  We had a reading assignment on the different types of genre and the way people give you feedback.  It seems to me that as the semester is going on everybody is starting to get familiar with each other, especially since we are getting together for group discussions and projects. After reading the grassroots writing journal it really made me think how well of a peer evaluator I was.  Like a few other people said , in high school I was not a good peer evaluator.  When someone would ask me to give them feedback on their paper, I would always say it looks good.  I was not a great writer in high school so I didn’t really know how to give them advice.  After reading the article it made me realize that I was not helping out my classmates at all.  During peer evaluation now I do my best to help others with what I know and how they can improve.

Throughout these first three weeks I have learned how to make and use my blog for the class.  During the process of making this blog it has taught me how to post and read what others are thinking and the items we talked about in class each day.  I still don’t really know much about the blog and how to work it, but I learn a little more each day I log into it.  I have also learned good ways to pull key information out of papers and get the important parts.  Now that I have put the rubric together I have learned it is not as difficult as I made it out to be.  Before this class I have never had anything to do with online blogging sites.  So starting out I was clueless on how to set one up or even comment or post something.  Since I am just starting to learn about the blog it is always a new adventure every time I log on.  I really have not played around with it much I just log on and post or do whatever is assigned and log back off.

As of right now I don’t have any major questions.  Normally the questions that come up during class, I wait until the end of class and ask you as I am leaving.  Like I said, for the half way blog I do not have any major questions.

At first I did not really know how the rubric was supposed to be set up, but now that I have finished the rough draft I have a better idea about it.  I am excited to hear what my classmates have to say about it tomorrow. When setting up the rubric I did not really know how to set it up, but I finally decided I would just make bullet points like we did in class.  To be honest with you I just kind of winged the rubric since I was not really sure how you wanted it set up.  While making the rubric I feel like I struggled with it.  Since there were no set rules I really was not sure how to start it or what exactly needed to be included on it.  Now that I have finished the rubric I feel that I struggled with it and it took way longer than it should of.  One of my biggest struggles is the fact that I don’t do well when I don’t have set guidelines.  When starting anything I like to know what needs to be included and how it needs to be set up.  When starting something and getting to set my own guidelines I normally ponder over what I think needs to be included because I am afraid I will include the wrong thing.

I believe that I am doing a great job getting all of my homework done, and doing the best I can on them.  I will say I am not a big fan of the eight o’clock class but with my schedule that is where it worked best for me.  I feel like the group work the class did on Friday was very helpful.  I have had many group projects where the classmates are not very helpful, but I feel that on Friday my group members were very helpful and cared about helping me.  College could be a different experience for me with group projects, so far my first one was great and I am excited to do more group projects.

I would just like to say I am not a big fan of English, nothing against you, but I believe you are going to make the class fun and it will be easier for me to get through.  I really enjoy the fact of getting in groups and talking to others.  I do enjoy getting comments from peers, but I would like the final comments to come from you. 

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