Thursday, March 29, 2012

Final Learning Blog 2

Final Learning Blog 2

            Here we are finishing up our second final blog.  As a class we have been working in groups on the research design/proposal.  The next step will be to collect our research on our “notecard” experiment.  I feel like my group has worked very well together and all three of us have been to every class which makes working together much easier.  Everyone is always helping each other if someone is not sure about something.  As a group next week we will conduct our experiment.  I am very excited to see the results and just how students are going to react.  I am sure there will be many different reactions all over the board from not much of a reaction of highly reacting.  So at this point my group has just completed the research and got the final results.  Wednesday we had a peer review day that really was great and helped our group be able to get feedback from other groups to put the final touch on our research paper.  Tomorrow we will turn our final research design in, and give an overview of our results to the class.

            I have learned a lot from this unit.  The major thing I have learned is the correct way to set up a research design, and what needs to be included in it.  During the first half I learned a few new vocabulary words, and also what Juxtaposition was.

            At this point I do not have any questions as the unit is coming to an end, but like always I will ask when I have a question.  I realize it is much better to ask and get exactly what the teacher is looking for, and not try to take a wild guess and be totally wrong.

            I feel like our group has communicated very well.  Each person was able to pull their own weight throughout the group and each person always had their part completed and ready to put into the research design.  Looking at this project through a group perspective we all were there for each class, and each time we were ready to work.  No one just sat there at any point in time and let someone else do all the work, we all worked together to complete the entire project.

            I would just like to say that the peer reviews have been very helpful to me.  Each person I have talked to has been very helpful giving me advice for what I could improve on and ideas on how to improve it, and also what I have done well.  Also working in groups for me has been fantastic.  My group members have been very hardworking and helpful.  College group work has definitely changed my perspective I had on it in High School.

            While creating this research design I have been very confident.  When given this project I thought to myself that it would be very difficult to accomplish.  Taking the project step by step has been very helpful.  I believe that taking the project one step at a time made the project be easier on each group.  As the project comes to an end I feel very confident with the group results, and I am excited to see how everyone else’s group turned out for them.

            When creating the research proposal each group member took one part of it.  In the “Statement of the problem” we just talked about how we would be putting an academic paper on notecards to turn them into the teacher.  On the “Purpose” we stated how the reason for this was to see how people would react to turning in a paper in notecard form for a final grade.  Finally the “Research Questions” were asked to see how students feel about turning their paper in on notecards for a final grade.  When starting the research each group member randomly asked five males and 5 females with one member asking a professor.  When finding the results we would give the notecards to the students and ask them to “Read over them to see if everything looked ok since we were turning it in as a final project.”  Many people seemed to become very confused at this point wondering why we would be turning it in on notecards.  After all the research was done my group created a graph showing each person’s major that we asked, and on a scale from one to ten how they reacted.  So all in all, I feel like this project was a success for my group.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that you found both the peer reviews and taking this project step-by-step as beneficial. As these research projects represented such new genres for everyone, it makes more sense--plus I assess (or give you the grade that you earn) based on the evolution, or how much you have learned and shown growth. Keep up the good work!
